Spirit Attachment
Demonic Oppression
Ordained Minister, Spirit Release Therapist, EFT & TFT Master Practitioner - Energy Psychologist, Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Hypnotherapist
Spirit Release & Entity Removal
When a problem can't be fixed...remove it
Spirit Attachment, Spiritual Cleansing, Psychic Attack, Possession Disorder, Spiritual Advisor, Demonic Oppression, Parapsychology, Paranormal Investigator, Spiritual Therapy, Energy Psychology, Psychosomatic Disorders, Spiritual Warfare, Deliverance Ministry.
Spirit Attachment
Demonic Oppression

A therapeutic Approach
When an Earthbound Spirit or Dark Entity is present and intensifying an already existing issue, traditional methods of psychotherapy will not alleviate this unique & unfortunate condition. This Ministry embraces the use of Exorcism as Therapy. Psychosomatix provides the most trusted, peaceful, systematically organized and consistent alternative to traditional methods. Exorcism Therapy can and will correct the condition of Spirit Attachment & Demonic Oppression.
Spirit Release & Entity Removal is used to effectively identify and dismiss the Spiritual forces that cling to and amplify emotional, mental and physical health challenges.
Signs of spiritual attack
- Drastic Mood & Personality Changes
- Destructive Thoughts & Obsessions
- Occupational Moral Conflicts & Guilt
- Professional & Personal Overwhelm
- Unbearable Temptations & Addictions
- Sudden Loss of Motivation & Focus
- Consistent Bad Choices & Rash Decisions
- Reckless & Dangerous Behavior
- Feelings of Oppression & Harassment
- Severe Fatigue & Energy Drain
- Major Sleep Disturbances
- Mental & Physical Decline
- Pushing Away Family & Friends
- Debilitating Fears & Phobias
- Extreme Anger for Minor Issues
- Untreatable Pain or Inflammation
Spiritual Oppression
There is Hope

The majority of modern therapy methods focus on recognizing and coping with a given condition. This leads individuals to believe that they have a lifelong issue that they will have to learn to tolerate.
Psychosomatix has specifically developed Exorcism Therapy as a peaceful method of Spirit Release & Entity Removal. This process focuses on identifying and removing the negative external force(s) by profoundly healing body, soul & spirit. It’s important to note, however, that these negative external forces ARE NOT the cause of the presenting issue. They cling to and exacerbate an already existing internal issue. When a person realizes that they are fighting for themself, instead of against themself, it ultimately improves their morale, hope and self-worth.
By simply acknowledging that ones suffering is being intensified by an outside source, many have described it as though a heavy burden has been immediately removed, and finally being able to find hope and a renewed will to fight.
Battling Inner Demons
The Psychosomatix – Ministry Of Exorcism provides a holistic & progressive healing process with effects that can be noticed immediately. Alleviating the most severe and detrimental symptoms by addressing the core issue at its root level forces the invading entity to relinquish its hold.
Indeed, this is the only successful system that permanently resolves a Spirit or Entity Attachment. This method is a gentle, logical, non-confrontational alternative to traditional exorcism, that is grounded in sound psychotherapeutic principles. The conditions of Spirit Attachment and Demonic Oppression, when properly treated, can be cleared once and for all.
After being under the influence of spirits for a prolonged period of time, the sub-conscious mind becomes accustomed to being in constant contact with a foreign entity and relying on its input. Ultimately, a relatively short period of time is needed to reprogram the sub-conscious mind to realize that it no longer welcomes any invading energies.

Body, Soul & Spirit

Though Spirits can be quickly removed under hypnosis, this does not get to the root of the problem. As long as there is an existing internal issue, these entities have the spiritual right to wreak havoc.
The Psychosomatix Therapeutic Exorcism method utilizes awareness (the conscious mind) to subtly access the sub-conscious mind, while activating a powerful and aggressive response from our Meridian System. This effectively & profoundly heals the principal internal issue, while simultaneously expelling the possessing spirit.
During the process additional techniques for protecting not only yourself, but also your family & property, will be shared so that future attachments are far less likely to occur.
Start fighting back! Reach out today.
If a problem can’t be fixed…remove it.
Identify and overcome the psychological & supernatural interferences that negatively impact home, health & family.
Spirit Attachment
Earthbound Spirits
Earthbound Spirits – The majority of the time, when a person dies, it’s quite a simple process. Their spirit moves into the light, and is released from the earth plane.
Earthbound Spirits are formed when a person dies, but their spirit does not make this transition. They remain on Earth among the living, but they no longer have a physical form.
Earthbound Spirits are essentially spiritual energies that at one point had a physical body.
Psychosomatix prioritizes helping these lost souls to release their bind on a living person, place or object so that they may continue on their evolutionary journey.

Many people believe that everything happens for a reason, but the vast majority tend to not examine the actual reason as to why it is happening.
The majority of Earthbound Spirit Attachments happen simply because these lost Souls find comfort in re-living some of their favorite physical aspects of life. They are attracted to people who have many of the same interests and desires as they did while they were still alive. Others though, are merely confused, not even realizing that they have died and still crave a personal connection to a living person.
Familiar Earthbound Spirits
Oftentimes, these Spirits are known by the affected person, such as friends or family that have passed on. They are quite likely to mean well and have good intentions.
They’ll attach believing that they are still somehow capable of helping a living being. They do not realise how long they have been attached, or the inappropriateness of their actions.
The first step of the releasement process is bringing awareness to both the person and the spirit that their good intentions are misplaced. They must let go and move on. Once they understand that no form of ongoing attachment is beneficial to their loved one, Spirits will generally comply and voluntarily leave.

Unknown Earthbound Spirits

These spirits are considered opportunists with negative intentions , looking to take advantage of certain vulnerabilities in people.
They will search for a host that having a particular weakness, a person that does something that they desire, and attempt to manipulate this person’s behaviour to fulfill their own needs. They have no regard for the consequences that their actions have on the living.
For example, they may attach to someone who occasionally enjoys a drink. This spirit may then compel their host to begin abusing alcohol as they use to do while they were alive. They generally have no concern for the damage that they inflict on their host.
When a problem can't be fixed...remove it
Demonic Oppression
Spiritual Warfare
Dark Entities are malicious, incorporeal forces that have never had a physical body. Once attached, they begin to wreak mental and physical havoc on their host.
These Demonic Entities can manifest themselves in many ways. Anxiety, Addiction, Anger/Rage, Sleep Disorders, Fear, Panic & PTSD are some of their most common forms.

Our Personal Demons are the thoughts, feelings and beliefs that cause us the most pain. The thoughts and feelings that we obsess about and dwell on. The emotions that consume us, haunt us, and torture us.
These forces oversee what a person thinks, does and feels. By influencing actions and manipulating emotions, they overpower and control their victims. Ultimately, they are incredibly destructive, toxic and limiting.
Paranormal Teachings
Your entity, regardless of how hostile, has something to teach you. They attack & expose your vulnerabilities – shining a spotlight on your weaknesses. Simply removing the negative entity without learning from it and initiating change, means this warning will certainly return to you in another, more severe form.
Only once an entity no longer has a wound to cling to, will you be finished with the demon and its tough lesson. These teachings help you grow, persevere and become stronger.
From darkness comes light.

If you do believe you have an entity attachment, it is vital to check the history of your home.
Many cases stem from those unknowingly living on a property with a dark past. Stigmatized Properties are very common, and these details are rarely disclosed to the homeowner.