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Ministry Of Exorcism

Earthbound Spirits


Kingdom Inspired

Supernatural Solutions

Spiritual Warfare, Christian Ministry, Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Stigmatized Property, Spirit Release, Entity Removal, Possession, Spirit Attachment Removal, Paranormal, Supernatural.
Spiritual Warfare, Christian Ministry, Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Stigmatized Property, Spirit Release, Entity Removal, Possession, Spirit Attachment Removal, Paranormal, Supernatural.

Lost Souls

Earthbound Spirits – The majority of the time, when people die, it’s quite simple. Their spirit moves into the light, and is released from the earth plane. Earthbound Spirits are formed when a person dies, but their spirit does not go into the light. They remain on Earth among the living, but they no longer have a physical form.

Parapsychological Recovery involves helping these Spirits to release their bind on a place or a living person, and then continue on their evolutionary journey.

Earthbound Spirits are essentially spiritual energies who used to have a physical body. They tend to not understand or accept that they have died a physical death, and therefor they did not move into the light.

Spirit Attachment
Earthbound Spirits

These Spirits are often Known by the affected person, such as friends or family that have passed on. They are quite likely to mean well and have good intentions.

Many spirits attach believing that they are still somehow capable of helping a living being. They do not realise how long they have been attached, or the inappropriateness.

The first step of the releasement process is bringing awareness to both the person and the spirit that their good intentions are misplaced. They must let go and move on. Once they understand that no form of ongoing attachment is beneficial to their loved one, Spirits will generally comply and voluntarily leave.

Spiritual Warfare, Christian Ministry, Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Stigmatized Property, Spirit Release, Entity Removal, Possession, Spirit Attachment Removal, Paranormal, Supernatural.

Unknown Earthbound Spirits

These spirits – considered opportunists with negative intentions – look to take advantage of certain vulnerabilities. They will search out a host having a particular weakness, and attempt to manipulate this person’s behaviour to fulfill their own needs. They have no regard for the consequences their actions have on the living.

For example, the spirit may manipulate a person to do the same harmful activities that they use to do while they were alive, such as abusing drugs and alcohol. They generally have no concern for the damage that they inflict on their host. 

Earthbound Spirits
Stigmatized Property, Haunted House, Stigmatized Property Listings, Spirit Release, Entity Removal, Possession, Spirit Attachment, Spirit Attachment Removal, Paranormal, Supernatural.
Spiritual Warfare, Christian Ministry, Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Stigmatized Property, Spirit Release, Entity Removal, Possession, Spirit Attachment Removal, Paranormal, Supernatural.

The releasement process for Unknown Earthbound Spirits begins by compelling the afflicted person to fight against and overcome these sinister intentions. Beginning this positive transformation warns the invading spirit that you will never allow its desires to be fulfilled through you. They crave weakness. Your inner strength is their ultimate deterrent. 

Spiritual Warfare, Christian Ministry, Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Stigmatized Property, Spirit Release, Entity Removal, Possession, Spirit Attachment Removal, Paranormal, Supernatural.

“The Supernatural is the Natural… just not yet understood.”  

– Elbert Hubbard.

Spiritual Warfare, Christian Ministry, Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Stigmatized Property, Spirit Release, Entity Removal, Possession, Spirit Attachment Removal, Paranormal, Supernatural.