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Paranormal Problems

Supernatural Solutions

Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.

Ordained Minister, Spirit Release Therapist, EFT & TFT Master Practitioner - Energy Psychologist, Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Hypnotherapist

Spirit Release & Entity Removal

When a problem can't be fixed...Remove it.
Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.

Stigmatized Property

Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.

Helping Haunted Homeowners

Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.
Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.
Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.

What is a Stigmatized Property?

Stigmatized Property

In real estate, a stigmatized property are property listings that buyers tend to ignore or dismiss for reasons completely unrelated to the physical condition of the home. Reasons such as a death, murder or suicide taking place on the property, or simply a belief that a house is haunted.

Stigmatized Property

Providing owners of severely psychologically impacted properties with the advice and guidance needed so they can properly resolve their paranormal predicament themselves. It’s basically Do-It-Yourself Ghostbusting.

No need to wait weeks – or months – to have someone uncomfortably wander around your home burning Sage. Don’t get me wrong, I think Sage is great. It’s just that it doesn’t work in all circumstances. Those that require the Psychosomatix Stigmatized Property Services are the extreme cases and need more than a typical energy clearing.

Psychosomatix-Stigmatized Property

Personalized Solution

Stigmatized Property

After gathering and analyzing all pertinent information regarding your stigmatized home, and assessing whether we’re dealing with a spirit or an entity, you will receive a detailed list of recommended procedures and instructions to follow that are tailored to your current situation. 

Don’t worry, though. You will have all the support and reassurance necessary, as we’ll remain in contact throughout this process. Reach out any time.

Remember, the stigma that is connected to a house can often be just as unique as the home itself.

Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.
Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.

Identify and remove the psychological & supernatural interferences that are negatively impacting your home, health & family.

Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.

Spirit Releasement

Spirit releasement is a contemporary term for the Exorcism of an Earthbound Spirit or Dark Force Entity that has attached to a place or person. Spirits and their releasement have been a universally described phenomena for millennia.

Profound Results

Once a spirit has been released, generally one will immediately notice a positive shift in the homes' energy along with experiencing feelings of lightening, freedom and inner peace. Your home should be a source of joy and positivity.

Personal Attachment

Spirits and Entities also attach to people when they are most vulnerable. These tend to be individuals who are downtrodden, under the influence of drugs/alcohol, as well as those suffering from trauma and dealing with grief.

Peaceful Approach

Spirit Removal is a rectification, not a rite. Unlike exorcism, it provides compassion and understanding - not confrontation. The process gives solace to homeowners and allows the spirit to continue its evolutionary journey.

Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.
Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.

Common Signs of Spirits or Entities in your home:

Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.

Abrupt Temperature Changes

Abnormal Family Tension

Hearing Voices & Whispers

Feeling uneasy when home

Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.

Electronic Disturbances

Odd Noises & Odors

Rogue Shadows

Unusual Pet Behavior

Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.
Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.
Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.

Supernaturally Stained

Stigmatized properties are those having a non-physical issue, or history, that can negatively affect its occupants and selling value. These are places that have been psychologically impacted, or ‘energetically scarred’.

In most cases, when a natural death occurs in a home it is not enough to create a stigma. However, if the death was deemed a murder or suicide, this negative imprint results in the location becoming a stigmatized property.

Not only are stigmatized properties associated with past homicides, suicides, or unnatural deaths, they are also prone to having paranormal issues. The home may be haunted.

Psychosomatix-Stigmatized Property

The Infiltrators:

Stigmatized Property, Haunted House, Stigmatized Property Listings, Spirit Release, Entity Removal, Possession, Spirit Attachment, Spirit Attachment Removal, Paranormal, Supernatural.

Human beings, who at the time of their death chose not to ‘Cross Over’. Because of this, they remain in our dimension as lost, wandering souls / spirits.

Earthbound souls that attach to people and places. They feed off our energy, removing positivity & hope.  Attracted to negativity & bad habits. They tend to live vicariously through their host.

Malevolent & harmful. Dark Forces have existed since the dawn of time. Their goal is to manipulate, instill sinister thoughts & negative emotions.

Attracted to, and amplifying the fears, emotional weaknesses, despairing beliefs, and traumatic experiences of those in their presence. Unrelenting, they quickly break you down, leaving you beyond rehabilitation.

Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.

Your Home is your Sanctuary

Stigmatized Property

Your home should be a safe haven — a place to relax, be happy and at peace. But when a spirit has attached to a property, it can be quite unnerving, even hazardous, to those living there. Helping a spirit move on, then properly clearing the energy of a stigmatized home can dramatically improve the overall well-being of the residents, as well as the perception of the property.

The time frame to cleanse a property varies. Most cases require only a short period of time to fully clear a home of unwanted energies. Certain cases can require an extended period along with a combination of methods to completely free a property.

It is important to always be aware of the type of energy in your home – good or bad. A home should be a source of joy and positivity.

When a problem can’t be fixed… remove it.

Stigmatized Property
Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.
Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.
Parapsychology, Stigmatized Property, Supernatural Cleaning, Dark Entity, Psychic Attack, Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Warfare, Christian Healing Ministry, Deliverance Ministry, Healing Scriptures.