Paranormal Problems
Supernatural Solutions
Stigmatized Real Estate Listings
Stigmatized Real Estate
Would you buy a house that was the scene of a grisly murder or suicide? Maybe a criminal once lived there and used the home for illegal activity.
These are examples of what are known as stigmatized property, or properties with a stigma.
Properties having a known stigma can be very difficult to sell…even for the best of real estate agents.
It also significantly reduces the value or price a buyer is willing to pay for a home.

Buyer Beware

We’re all familiar with the popular warning “Buyer Beware”. But is that fair when spending $1,000.000.00 or more on a property?
This dark corner of the real estate industry, which has recently been featured in the media, is more widespread than you may think.
Odds are you’re selling a home tarnished by a dark history, and because of this it remains on the market for an extended period of time with few interested buyers. The price of the property continues to plummet, while a mortgage is still being paid for a home that is a source of discomfort.
To each Their Own
To be fair, not everyone is uncomfortable with purchasing these troublesome properties. While there are some who may be understandably put off by the phantom sounds and flickering lights, others may simply view this as a unique perk.
Most buyers though, will refuse to even consider a stigmatized property listing, fearing that past events have left a psychic imprint on the home. Knowing that someone died there can greatly alter a persons perception of the residence. A potential buyer may, as a result of a death on the property, believe that the home is in fact haunted by the spirit of the deceased.

Real Estate Professionals

As a real estate agent tasked with this type of listing, in order for you to sell at the highest possible price and within a decent timeframe, you should contact a Paranormal Advisor for spirit releasement and entity removal techniques that are tailored to each individual case. Stigmatized properties require more than just a typical energy clearing to heal the impact of their tragic history.
Spirits tend to linger where they died, especially if that’s where they were most comfortable…at home. With an aging population this scenario will continue to become more common place.
Above & Beyond
By addressing and alleviating the stigma from a listing, you are showing your clients that you care for their well-being and are willing to go the ‘extra mile’ for them.
You can then, if you choose, issue your clients a certificate declaring that the deceased has moved on and is now at peace. By showing respect, compassion and helping the departed spirit continue on its evolutionary journey, it lowers the psychological barriers for potential homebuyers. It is impossible to change a property’s history, but its impact can be remedied.
When a problem can’t be fixed…remove it.