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Archangel Raziel

Archangel Raziel is a powerful spiritual being who is often called upon for assistance with matters related to intuition, manifestation, and spiritual growth.

Raziel is known as the “Angel of Secrets” or “Keeper of Secrets,” and is associated with unlocking the secrets of the universe and helping individuals to access their own inner wisdom. He is often depicted as holding a book or scroll, which represents the knowledge and wisdom he has access to.

If you are looking to connect with Archangel Raziel, it is important to first create a sacred space. This can be done through meditation or prayer, and should include any tools or items that help you feel connected to the divine, such as candles, crystals, or incense.

Once you have created your sacred space, take a few moments to quiet your mind and focus on your intention to connect with Raziel. You can speak out loud or silently in your mind, asking for his assistance in unlocking the secrets of the universe and accessing your own inner wisdom.

Raziel can help you with a range of spiritual matters, including developing your intuition, manifesting your desires, and uncovering hidden knowledge. He can also assist with healing emotional wounds and releasing negative energy.

One way to work with Raziel’s energy is to meditate with a clear quartz crystal. Hold the crystal in your hand while you meditate and visualize yourself surrounded by a bright white light. Ask Raziel to help you access your inner wisdom and unlock the secrets of the universe.

Another way to work with Raziel’s energy is to keep a journal and write down your thoughts, feelings, and insights. You can also ask Raziel for guidance on specific questions or issues you may be facing. Write down any insights or messages that come to you, as they may hold the key to unlocking hidden knowledge and wisdom.

Archangel Raziel For Demonic Oppression

Though Archangel Raziel is not typically associated with matters related to demonic oppression, his energy can be called upon to help those who are struggling with negative and dark energy.

Demonic oppression can take many forms and can be a terrifying experience for those who are going through it. It can cause physical and emotional pain, as well as a feeling of helplessness and fear. However, it is important to remember that there is always help available from the spiritual realm, including Archangel Raziel.

Raziel’s energy is all about unlocking hidden knowledge and wisdom, and he can help individuals tap into their own inner power and strength. He can assist in clearing negative energy and breaking the hold that a demon may have on an individual.

To call upon Archangel Raziel for assistance with demonic oppression, it is important to first create a sacred space. This can be done through meditation or prayer, and should include any tools or items that help you feel connected to the divine, such as candles or crystals.

Once you have created your sacred space, ask Archangel Raziel to come to you. You can simply speak out loud or silently in your mind, asking for his help and guidance. Visualize yourself surrounded by a warm and protective light, and feel the presence of Raziel around you.

Ask Raziel to help you unlock any hidden knowledge or wisdom that may be blocking your ability to release the negative energy. You can also ask for his assistance in breaking the hold that a demon may have on you, and for protection from any further attacks.

It is important to trust in the process and to have faith that Raziel’s energy is working on your behalf. Remember to take care of yourself and to practice self-care during this time, as it can be a challenging experience.

In conclusion, while Archangel Raziel is not typically associated with matters related to demonic oppression, his energy can be called upon to help those who are struggling with negative and dark energy. By creating a sacred space and calling upon Raziel for assistance, you can tap into your own inner power and strength, and begin to release the negative energy. Trust in Raziel’s ability to guide you and know that he is always ready to assist those who call upon him.

Archangel Raziel Prayer

“Divine Archangel Raziel, please assist me in restoring my troubled mind, body, soul, and spirit. Allow me to conquer the Spiritual assault that is causing sickness to achieve perfect health. Thank you for blessing me with your divine healing energies, Raziel. Amen.”


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